Guest Blogging Guide: Read Before Doing It
Published by Samuel Adamson on March 10th, 2021
With this Guest Blogging Guide, I want you to see a series of precise indications that you should keep in mind if you are going to contact someone who already has a blog to publish on it as a guest author. With these tips, you will be much more likely to get it.

What is Guest Blogging or Guest Posting?
Well, it is one of many other terms with which it is now fashionable to call the things that have existed for many years.
In this case, it merely refers to the fact of writing as a guest author on other blogs. It has no more mystery!
There are many advantages of writing as a guest author on other blogs but without a doubt. The "grace" is that the blogs you’re going to write have a more significant impact than that of your blog.
In this way, you will make yourself known to a broader audience, and in the process, you will improve your web ranking. Of course, only if the author of the blog where you are going to write lets you add an incoming link to your blog.
Is writing as a guest blog good or bad for SEO?
Well, this is like everything: it depends.
It depends on the type of guest post you make, the "naturalness" of the link you add, the similarity of the theme of the blogs you are going to link, etc.
In short; If you follow a series of good practices as a guest blogger and you make an excellent original article, meaningful and linking to other sites that add value to the content, you have nothing to fear.
As simple as that.
The problem comes as to what happens with all SEO practices that are repeated to satiety while they "work," that Google has to enter into order and warn that the harmful practice of guest blogging can be penalized.
Brand image in the trash
I never get tired of commenting that for me, the guest blogging is not just leaving a link to your blog (also). It is about leaving a mark on the audience to which you are exposed and, of course, the person in charge of the blog where you are going to write.
In short, demonstrate what you are capable of and give value to your brand.
What image can I now have of this content agency?
- They disappear when you contact them (by email, twitter, contact form, etc.)
- Respond late
- They do not seem to be entirely "clear" with what happened.
- They deliver content that is NOT original
If they behave like this for a single article, what will they not do when they hire their services?
It is no longer that I will not trust the agency (which I will not), but of course, I will not recommend it. And inevitably, when I hear about it, I will remember this situation. So, the brand image in the trash.
Tips for making an excellent guest post
After what happened to me and some other requests that come to me by email to write in my blog, I have been assaulted by the muses to develop what, in my view, I think are essential tips for writing a guest post.
But not only to explain those "bases" that I ask for my blog but also to set quality minimums that partly seem logical to me when you offer to write in any blog as a guest. Let’s see what you think.
Important Note:
The idea is to help everyone who wants to create quality content on someone else’s blog.
1. Read the blog where you would like to write
You don’t know how much it costs me to write this first piece of advice, because it seems to be the most fundamental and, above all, the most logical step of all: please read the blog before asking to be written on it.
It has noses that I have to "advise" this, but what I have found is that some people ask you to write on your blog, and they have not read it! I have experienced situations as surreal as asking me to write an article on my blog and then wondering what is going on.
No comments.
2. Propose something interesting for the blog
Once you have finished point 1 and you already know what the blog where you want to write is about, now analyze what you think you need or what could be significant, to propose it.
Because if you write to the owner of the blog and offer to write an article, but then ask him about what topic he wants, you will be making a double mistake:
You are not defining yourself as an author specialized in a subject
Either you are not clear about your professional position, or you are not clear about the objective for which you want to make the guest post. The feeling you give to the owner of the blog is that it gives you a bit the same about what to write as long as I let you put some link.
So, if in your blog you talk about high heels and I ask you to speak to me about SEO, are you going to write me a good SEO article? Maybe yes! But just in case I will propose an SEO expert if he wants to write on my blog before you do.
The first thing you should do is find the right blogs where it makes sense for you to do guest blogging.
You do not facilitate the work to the owner of the blog
The idea is that thanks to this collaboration, you will win both you and the owner of the blog. If the first thing you do contact him is to ask him to look at you to see what topic you should write and how to do it, you will be taking up time. You should make it as easy as possible.
What the blog owner wants to read about you is that in your blog, you talk about the X theme, which you certainly control an egg for. That your blog does not talk about what you know or that something is missing. That is why you propose to talk about A, B, or C, and since you have analyzed the type of reader that you have, you can write it with the most appropriate language for them.
If you manage to "sell yourself" that well, the chances of accepting you as a guest author will skyrocket.
Something that I have always said is that the invited author must feel comfortable, write about the subject he likes, and knows. Because that is the subject for which they know him in his blog and for which he undoubtedly stands out. And the blog owner wants an expert article on that topic.
3. Write your masterpiece
Usually, the guest blogging will be done in a blog that has (or should have) much more authority and impact than yours, so offer an article and convince you "only" for the sake of saving time in writing, I assure you it is not enough.
If you are going to be one more, do not bother writing a guest post.
You have to bundle it very fat, make your masterpiece, and that both the owner of the blog and its readers remember you and your content forever. In a right way, of course!That when people read your name, say: "Ah, this is the one who published that article and knows so much."
Make your Guest Post the great masterpiece for which you will be known
This is as if they only know you in your house and suddenly they call you to go to the TV so that everyone knows you. Are you going to do anything, or are you going to prepare the best you have? Well, the same thing happens with writing in a blog that has much more impact. Show what you are capable of.
4. Take care of grammar and spelling
In truth, this point would have to go inside the previous one because a masterpiece logically should be perfect, without grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. But it seems so essential that I wanted to highlight it separately.
Yes, I am very heavy with this spelling, and I do not think the same as many authors when they say that what is essential is what is meant even if there is a lack of spelling. NO! It is that precisely writing that content can change a lot the way of understanding it :
And eye, that I also have many faults and failures, but I assure you that before publishing anything I review, review and review. And today, checking spelling can be as simple as clicking a button in your text editor, there are no excuses.
For all this, doing Guest Blogging and not taking care of spelling can give a horrible image:
The lousy image you give to the blog owner
Receive your article and see that not only do you have spelling errors, but you have not bothered to check it with a simple text editor. The feeling is of neglect, as it gives you a little the same.
In my case, I have had to return the article to its author up to 3 times to correct these errors.
The bad image you give the reader (if it ends up publishing)
You are telling the reader something, and it can already be super-interesting, that if you have spelling mistakes, you may eventually leave and end up losing a sale or even your credibility.
In my case, I usually review the article by the guest author before publishing it on my blog, but if I have to do his homework because he has not tried to do it, I may not do guest blogging again on my blog.
Lousy image for the blog (also if it ends up publishing)
Realize that you are not publishing an article in your blog, but in a blog with a higher reputation. And many times, that of its authors also measures the level of a blog.
In my case, more and more, I take great care of the quality that the authors offer so that it is the one that is reflected in this same blog. Eye, not that they are "famous," that doesn’t matter to me; What I want is for them to write quality content.
5. Take care of your blog as if it were yours
This may seem like a stupid sovereign, but it is excellent to analyze before the blog where you are going to write your guest post or even see how other invited authors have done it in that same blog.
So you can look at those little details that the blog owner may like, such as the type of image he uses, the size, the layout of the text, colors, etc.
My advice is to pamper the blog you are invited to as if it were your own.
Because those small details, in the end, are those that make the work of the owner of the blog much easier and for which you surely earn his respect as a professional as well as a space for your guest article.
6. Reply to comments
To the thread of the previous point, if when doing guest blogging, you take care of the blog as if it were yours, it is logical that you also answer the comments generated by your article once published. Because do not forget that this article is yours, they read to you, and it is you who leave the feedback.
If in my blog, you write a plumber on how to change a pipe and then in the comments you are asked about that topic, I am not going to have any idea to answer them! You can already imagine the lousy image that nobody would respond, or worse, that I do speaking of plumbing.
You have to be the author of the post, who knows the subject, and that is why you are invited to answer those comments. Logical, right?
Read: Batch link checking
As you can see, in general, I am quite strict about this Guest Posting, but because I think it deserves it. And even more so in my case when I live from my blog, so see if it’s important to me.
If you have felt reflected in this article as you were reading, you have two options:
Offend you and stay the same: well, I’m sorry. Eye, these tips are my humble opinion, and I could be wrong, no doubt. But above all, they are the "minimums" that I ask to write in my blog, and that is not negotiable.
Change to do better next time: congratulations because that is self-criticism. In my opinion, the brave thing is knowing when to change what sometimes it is hard for us to believe we are doing wrong. Ole you!
Guest Blogging in My Keyword Ranking
As I say, these recommendations that I explain in the article are the ones I ask for my blog.
But to make things easier for you, I will specify some points of what I would like if you dare to contact me to publish your guest post in My keyword rankings:
Important: right now, I accept requests from guest posts on the blog.
- Unique, original, and exciting content. WOW effect
- Minimum length of 1600 words ( if it is a masterpiece and has something less, nothing happens)
- The maximum length is infinite! It won’t be me who sets you maximum limits
- Well written and revised, it costs nothing to spend a spell checker.
- At least one main image, and if possible it contains an infographic that expands or summarizes the ideas of the article
- You can use two links to your website or blog as long as they add real value to the content (the links to the main page do not usually contribute anything.)
- You can use more links to other websites or blogs as long as they add real value to the content
- At the end of the post will be a description of the author with his photo and some link to his social networks
- It must be you who responds to the comments made because there will be no one who knows your article better than you.
Read: Backlink monitor tool